Here are a 11 ways to Beat The Winter Blues, avoid SAD and have a happy winter.
It’s that time of year! Summer is officially over and we are well into Fall. The leaves are turning and temperatures are cooling down.
Some Baby Boomers love this time of year and find themselves thriving. However. It’s estimated that 10 million people suffer from SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as “The Winter Blues.” People who tend toward SAD feel sluggish, sad, and often deal with weight gain during the winter.
Wear Bright Colors
The fall and winter are perfect for bundling up in dark colors. But dark colors can signal sleepiness to the brain. So consider wearing pops of color. A brightly colored tee shirt under your winter sweater can help you mind stay in a sunny place. Bright colors are especially important if you are outside walking, running or biking. Drivers report it is more difficult to see exercisers dressed all in dark colors than when they are wearing bright colors.
Add Pops of Color Around the House
A brightly colored vase or cheerful pillow can help a room feel comfortable but brings some sunshine. Think cheerful and cozy.
Place Some Plants Around The House
Succulents are easy to care for and tropicals add a touch of summer. During the winter when we have our houses closed up – it’s nice to have plants around adding some fresh air into our living spaces.
Get Plenty of Fresh Air
Even though it’s cold out get fresh air as much as possible. Consider opening a window for a few minutes to get allow for a burst of freshness. If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning, step outside for a few minutes to give your body a mini-shock. Consider bundling up and having your coffee outside.
Get Outside and Enjoy the Sunshine
As much as possible get natural sunlight. Our bodies thrive on Vitamin D. If you live in area that is overcast for days consider a vitamin D and vitamin C supplement. Ask your doctor for the amount you should take.
Develop Some Routines
Routines that are soothing and nurturing to your soul. For example keep a candle in your bathroom – Before your morning routine light a candle and then blow it out when you’re done. Do the same in the evening. Light the candle before you brush, floss, wash your face and then extinguish it before you jump into bed. While you are brushing your teeth take time to breathe calmly and enjoy the sensations.
Plan Time With Friends
Plan Brunches or online game nights with friends. If you are the one planning it then it will motivate you to stay engaged. Get the dates for these on the calendar right away. If you wait until SAD is upon you it is more difficult to break out of self isolation.
Binge Watch or Listen to Programs on Topics That Excite You
Ted Talks, Podcasts and YouTube offer limitless content that you’ll enjoy. Pursue something you want to study simply for fun or for profit. Want to get your degree? Take the first steps toward that. Want to become an expert on YouTube – check out this class taught by our good friend, Sean Cannel.
Make a Vision Board of Things That Inspire You
The act of old-fashioned cutting and pasting is a soothing task. Searching magazines for phrases and pics that inspire you is a good task to keep your mind focused on the positive.
Here’s an article I wrote all about Vision Boards That Work! Check it out.
Listen to Music During Midday or Mid-evening Energy Slumps
Everyone naturally has a time of day where their energy is low and during the winter it’s easier to feel this energy low as depression. Start a routine that at 3pm (or whenever your slump time is) you blast a couple of your favorite songs and dance like no one is watching. Use those endorphins to finish your day.

Regular vigorous exercise gets your metabolism going and continues to burn calories at a higher rate for several hours. So if you know your going to be putting in some couch time – be sure and get some exercise before. Then your couch time will be more relaxing and productive!
Don’t feel like going to the gym? No problem check out home exercise items here. Don’t want to work out? No problem, walk out instead….quickly, put on your shoes and a coat and walk out your front door for 10 minutes. Then turn around and walk back. You can be done with your walk before you’ve convinced yourself not to go!
The Winter blues are a real thing – make a plan for excellent self-care and take the steps toward a happy winter.
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