Retire Early Lifestyles
Retire Early Lifestyle is a content-based website that appeals to a different kind of person – the person who prizes their independence, values their time, and who doesn’t want to mindlessly follow the crowd.
Cresting the Hill
Cresting The Hill is a blog that encourages women over 50 to positively embrace Midlife, through gratitude, simplicity, and grace. It’s a place to find joy in the second half of life through re-discovering ourselves and living authentically.
Leanne shares ideas on how to find the sunshine in life, prompts on appreciating the many blessings that come our way, tips on early retirement, choosing an un-busy lifestyle, and so much more.
Leisure Freak
Leisure Freak, Retire Early and Often through Frugal Living is a site dedicated to those who are truly passionate about retiring early & living their dream lifestyle. One that defines retirement as the absence of NEEDING to work, not the absence of working.
Leisure Freak Tommy retired the first time at age 51 and is in his 2nd Retirement living by the “retire early and often” principles. The site covers what Tommy did to reach early retirement, retirement transition, personal finance, and working in retirement topics.
Love Being Retired
LoveBeingRetired is a 10-year work-in-progress seeking to identify non-financial pieces to the retirement puzzle most necessary to live a meaningful and fun retired life.
Guest bloggers and fellow retirees share insights, experiences and recommendations to make the most of each retired day. Who better to learn from than those actively navigating the retirement jungle. Perhaps we can even avoid repeating their missteps along the way.
Baby Boomer Retirement contains over 600 useful articles for retirees and those who are planning their retirement. It is a great resource for anyone who is retired or plans to retire someday.
It includes articles on topics as diverse as financial planning, common medical issues we face as we age, where to retire in the United States and overseas, travel, caregiving, dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, working after retirement, Social Security and Medicare. Over the past 12 years, it has attempted to provide comprehensive, practical information for a diverse population of retirees.
Baby Boomster is a travel/lifestyle blog for fabulous and active women over 50 who are not ready for a rocking chair, but ready to rock!
Its founder, Rebecca Olkowski, is a purveyor of all things fun and a die-hard foodie. She loves to travel and writes from anywhere on the planet she happens to land, even if it’s in her own backyard of Los Angeles. Her topics include travel, fashion, beauty, food, entertainment, wellness, longevity, and issues that concern active women over 50.
Clark Norton is published by longtime award-winning travel writer and baby boomer Clark Norton. The site focuses on travel issues of concern to the baby boomer generation and on presenting top-flight destination pieces around the globe.
Whether you’re looking for practical advice on traveling in the U.S. or abroad, or for inspiration to travel to Zanzibar, or in search of fried clams in Ipswich, Massachusetts, you can turn to this blog for guidance.
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